Our Voice is an expression of creative potential, individuality and our innermost essence. With StimmEnergetics, a holistic approach of sound healing and transformation, we can use voice and breath to explore our psyche, influence the vibrational energy down to the cellular level and stimulate higher states of consciousness. The renowned voice artist Katharina Felice draws from decades of practical experience. She puts at our fingertips a variety of powerful toning techniques: guided sound journeys and chanting, relaxing sounds, and chakra-meditations with the voice.

For as long as anyone can remember, shamans and indigenous people have used toning as a ritual to express their connection to mother earth and nature. Developed for the needs of our modern society under the name StimmEnergetics, breath and voice work is now a complete program for self-development: it harmonizes the two hemispheres of the brain, transforms our emotions, holds the potential for healing down to the cellular level and helps to rediscover the authentic voice of our higher self.

In her book, Katharina Felice conveys the essence of her 30 years of experience and research as a body, breath and voice teacher and singer: She introduces the basics of Stimm- (Voice) Energetics, outlines the extensive possible use of her approach and describes her own story. A great variety of highly effective exercises, rituals, meditations and sound journeys shows the whole spectrum of this holistic practice of self-empowerment.

StimmEnergetics - Katharina Felice - Buch StimmEnergetics
StimmEnergetics - Katharina Felice - Welle


In this free, 2-part VIDEO TUTORIAL, I have put together background knowledge and instructions about TONING so that you can get to know it right away and experiment with it yourself. In the videos I show a brief overview of what it is and how to get started. There you will also find information about which sounds and tools are suitable for strengthening the immune system and maintaining a coherent state of consciousness.

English subtitles will soon be provided!

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English subtitles will soon be provided!

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Since October 2021, the SE training is also being held in Spain / Palma de Mallorca. There we shot a video and an interview to give a visual impression of SE. – and we provided it with the appropriate subtitles in English! Have fun watching!

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Dialogs in english language will follow.


The voice is our very individual sonic fingerprint. It is much more than a purely acoustic sound. It is  expression of our personality, energy, our intentions and essence. The rediscovery of the power in the human voice has had a lasting impact on the development and transformation of our consciousness. Once we access and reconnect with this original source of energy, we can play, sing, speak, and sound creatively and effortlessly.

Qualified lessons with Johannes Hitzblech in Berlin outside the structures of acting schools! The Actorfactory Studio is the Berlin home of the voice energetics training!
Der Zertifikatskurs Künstlerisches Erzählen – Storytelling in Art and Education widmet sich dem außergewöhnlichen Genre des mündlichen Erzählens. StimmEnergetics übernimmt seit vielen Jahren den Bereich der Stimmbildung im internationalen Dozententeam an der UDK.
Verlag für Publikationen im Bereich Neues Denken, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Transformation des Bewusstseins, Gesellschaft. Das StimmEnergetics Buch ist unter dem Dach des Scorpio Verlags publiziert worden.